Letter from Mr. Gilbert L. Martinez, Principal
7-27-2020 Parent(s), Guardian(s), I would like to take this opportunity to reintroduce myself to our community. My name is Gilbert L. Martinez and I will be the principal at Escalante Mid/High School (EMHS) for the 2020-2021 school year. Many of you already know me, but for those who do not, I am from Tierra Amarilla, NM and was a former teacher and administrator for the District from 1994-2017. In 2017, I retired for two years and then returned to EMHS as a Math Coach during the 2019-2020 school year. I have now returned to Escalante Mid/High School as the Director of Instruction, Director of Athletics, and Unit Principal. Parents and students may have many questions regarding school re-entry for the 2020-2021 school year. Once again, I would like to reiterate that we are beginning the 2020-2021 school year with remote learning. Students will be taking classes through virtual instruction. Students are expected to be online daily and following their class schedule for seven periods per day. Teachers will be taking attendance on a daily basis in every class period to ensure students receive a quality education through virtual learning. Computer etiquette is necessary to allow students to learn in an appropriate environment. My suggestion is for each student to create a conducive working environment at home or outside the school which aligns with the EMHS school computer use policy. Students must have appropriate background environments during all instruction. If you have any questions regarding the student working environment, please call my office. I will clarify any questions you may have. Students must adhere to the Student/ Parent Handbook. Inappropriate language during virtual instruction is not allowed during any school related learning or functions. Students will be assigned a school email address to communicate with teachers on a daily basis. Personal emails may not be used for school related assignments or communication. Registration for all students will occur remotely on a technology program entitled “Zippslip.” Registration begins July 30, 2020. You may find Zippslip on our District webpage at Parents of returning students will receive an email from ZippSlip by day’s end. Upon receiving the email, you may use the information from the ZippSlip email to register your child for school. Ms. Anna Atencio, our school counselor will be meeting with parents via email or phone to register students for individual classes. I am attaching a flyer and a step by step process, along with this letter, to sign on to Zipp Slip for new parents and students to the District. You may communicate with Ms. Cleo Valdez or Ms. Felicia Martinez regarding your student’s registration. They may be reached at 575-588-7201 on July 30, 2020. Meals will continue to be provided to all students on a daily basis on school days. Meal pick up points and times will remain the same as they have been throughout the summer. Students need a 5- subject notebook for each of their classes. They will need pencils mainly for mathematics and pens for other subject areas to begin the year. Teachers will communicate with the students regarding other materials that may be needed for classes. Please be advised that NO visitors will be allowed in the EMHS school building at any time as we phase into school with remote learning. Only school personnel are allowed in the building at this time. If you need to communicate with the teachers or me, you do so via email, phone, Google Meets, or any remote method available to you. If you have any questions regarding any components of this letter, please feel free to contact me via email or phone. Thank you, Mr. M.